Episode 2: Ken Cloke – The Master Speaks

Ken Cloke is a mediator, author, and professor, and has worked in conflict resolution for 37 years. In this interview with Julia Menard and Gordon White, Ken Cloke discusses:

  • the three elements of political conflicts
  • how we can shift from ‘us versus them’ thinking patterns
  • practical ways to bring divided people to the table for meaningful dialogue
  • our relationship to the universe

To hear Julia and Gordon’s Riffcast about this interview, click here.



Ken Cloke’s website and social media:

Latest books by Ken Cloke:

Resources referred to in the episode:

Ken Cloke – Quotes From The Podcast

“Peacemaking, it turns out, is a much larger, broader, richer and more complex field than I [thought] at that time [I was engaged in various political movements during the 1960s]. But what is striking to me today is that there is, in fact, a way of reaching people’s hearts and minds. That’s just stunning.” (2:13)

“…thinking about this is what keeps me up at night…” (5:48)

“Power is a narcotic and a zero-sum game, and all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as Lord Acton said.” (7:50)

“…if we look at the planet as a whole, there is no ‘them,’ there’s just us.” (10:56)

“One of the things that wakes us up is catastrophe. […] People have gathered together every time there was a disaster and supported one another. What allows them to do that in the face of a natural disaster, but not in the face of a human disaster like war?” (14:46)

“Meditation reduces the sense of [a fixed, isolated] self, and therefore is responsible for an increased sense of compassion.” (16:06)

“…[B]y forming connections with each other, by reaching across racial and gender lines, by creating a united country, a united world even, we stand a much better chance of solving our problems.” (35:29)

“There’s something that for shorthand I call ‘Ken’s law,’ [which is that] the people who need to be at the meeting most aren’t there.” (37:25)

“… a physicist whose name is David Bohm. […] later in his life, began working in dialogue, and wrote a book called “On Dialogue” [in which] he defines dialogue as ‘the flow of meaning between us.’” (37:59)

“Here are two questions you can ask each person to answer that will initiate dialogue: ….” (39:48)

[A question that can be useful to ask people in conflict is:] “What life experiences have you had that have led you to feel so deeply and passionately about this issue?” (47:44)

“Don’t give up. Don’t give up on others, [or on yourself] but [continue to] reach out.” (47:59)

“I think at a deep level, there is no difference between us and the universe.” (49:20)

“…[W]e actually search for, subconsciously, the one who will teach us what we most need to know. “ (49:34)

“[E]very conflict creates a kind of blind spot inside of us, and we literally can’t see [what is behind it], but there is a desire to see, and therefore a search for what would enable us to see more clearly.” (50:04)

“We find people who are not good for us, in order to be able to figure out how to become stronger so that we [won’t be] so vulnerable to their behaviour.” (50:22)



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Julia Menard and Gordon White, in addition to being the co-hosts of the On Conflict Podcast, are also the Principals and Founders of the On Conflict Leadership Institute. Julia and Gordon firmly believe there is a strong correlation between conflict and the responsibilities of leaders, and that idea sparked the creation of the Institute. Come follow Julia and Gordon as they explore the nexus of conflict and leadership over at the On Conflict Leadership Institute (OCLI).

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